Tuesday, March 15, 2005


This weekend I decided that I really want carpet in the basement; it currently has just a concrete floor. However, in order to put in carpet, you need to have the walls finished, and to finish the walls, you need to put in everything in the walls that you're going to want. Which brings me to the electrical.

The basement has two rooms, on is big, close to 800 square feet in the main room (there's also a mostly finished bedroom down there that I'm using as a workout room), so there is a lot of electrical work to do. You need an outlet at least every 6' around the walls.

On Saturday I installed 13 electrical boxes, ran the wires between all of them to create three separate circuits, and installed 10 outlets. I should have bought 13 outlets, but I wasn't thinking. I'll get those when I get the breakers that I need to complete the circuits.

Monday night I attacked the wall between the basement and the garage, where the main panel is. Once again, the 52" drill bit went where it wasn't supposed to, though this time it came flying out of the wall at me and I nearly drilled my shin. Second try was the charm and I was able to get into the basement without a problem. I ran the feed lines for two of the circuits and called it a night.

Tuesday was a long day at work, but when I came home I had the energy to run the last feed line into the garage. I was expecting this line to be a pain, since the holes through walls were getting crowded, but I was relieved to find that it all went smoothly.

A few more hold-downs to hammer in, and all that's left to do is wire the feed lines into their respective first outlets and the main panel, and I'm done.

Next on the list is figuring out where to put in lights (I'm thinking wall sconces and cove lighting), and where I want to put in walls (I need at least one partial wall to be able to hang one of the surround sound speakers). I'm sure something else will come up along the way too, but for now, things are looking good.

Not bad for a few day's work.


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