Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Days go by

Nothing really interesting has happened lately. The basics are that the weather was oh-my-god warm, somewhere in the mid 40s for two days in a row -- I considered wearing shorts. The snow storm the weekend before passed without much of an incident. The roads were as clean on Saturday afternoon as they had been Friday morning. I was impressed. It makes getting the Focus as a winter car seem even less important. However, I am reminded that this winter is the driest on record for the past 114 years, though I imagine on normal winter days the roads are pretty clear as well. I'm thinking of taking the Lightning out to celebrate.

On the work front, the gnarly problem (that wasn't even mine -- I'm helping a coworker) that I've been banging my head against the wall for the past two weeks is finally solved, and I can breath a sigh of relief. But now there is another, probably even more gnarly problem, waiting in the wings to be solved. I've pushed that one back onto the coworker that was supposed to have been working on the other gnarly problem, but it turns out that I'm still helping him with that one. I can see my roll easily becoming more than just a consultation on that one too.

Another work issue that popped up yesterday has to do with a problem that probably can't be solved in software (and I'm a software writer). When I wrote up my findings for our VP, he completely missed the facts and decided to ask another developer, that had solved a problem with similar symptoms but a completely different root cause, for his input on the problem. He too completely missed the facts and started referring to the solution that he had implemented for a completely different problem. We had already tried and rejected that months ago.

What bugs me most about the situation is that no one above me is believing the facts. They want their wonder-boy developer to swoop in and save the day when all the evidence says that it can't be done in software. I have no problem no longer being "wonder-boy", but I'm not chopped turkey either, and after having spent a month researching this problem and gathering hard data, to have all that ignored for someone else's baseless opinion is just a little hard to take.

I suppose when the facts point toward you having to toss the hardware and do it all over, differently, that they are entitled to their second opinions. I just wish they would actually look at the facts instead of speculating about what the facts might be. I get the impression that finding the root cause of problems is less important than ameliorating the symptoms. However, as anyone familiar with herpes will tell you, just because the symptoms are not obvious doesn't mean you're cured.


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