Saturday, October 29, 2005


Today I spent about an hour and a half raking leaves, followed by an hour mowing the lawn. I've decided that I hate raking leaves. Well, not all leaves, the maple leaves are nice to rake. Large and easy to control.

It's the small leaves that pass through the fins of the rake, mocking me at every sweep, that really make the job less enjoyable. The same tree also drops its leaves' stems separate from the leaves, which is like raking toothpicks. Toothpicks that mock you. Whomever picked that tree should be punished by being forced to rake it's leaves in a high wind for all eternity.

I have five trees that are fully bare and two (a birch and something else I don't recognize) that haven't even turned yet. What's up with that?

After raking the leaves into a dozen small piles, I got the lawn mower out to use it to scoop them up. I was hoping that it would mulch the leaves as it bagged them, but it didn't (even though it's a mulching mower). However, even if it didn't save space in the garbage bags, it at least made it easy to get the leaves into garbage bags.

After that, I mowed the lawn for, hopefully, the last time this season. I'm looking forward to the snow.