Wednesday, January 05, 2005


Tonight when I was in my bedroom, Lucy was following me as always. She's full of energy in the evenings and was running around like mad, but generally only in the room I was in. That's when it happened. She ran from the closet and ran straight into the leg of my bed. Head on. Big bonk! that resounded throughout the room. She sat back, clearly dazed. It must have really hurt. I'm not normally one to laugh at the suffering of others, and certainly not of animals, but, damn, this was funny.

She likes to run under the bed, so it was only a matter of time before she hit the leg of the bed, but it was really the fault of the dust ruffle disguising where the legs were that was the real cause of the collision. To help her out I tucked more of the dust ruffle under the mattress so that foot is clearly visible. Let's hope that's enough to prevent a repeat performance of tonight's event.


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