Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Wedding photo idea

So I had an idea yesterday, while going over the budget for the wedding...

Everyone talks about getting a bunch of disposable cameras instead of a photographer (because they are damn expensive), and I was momentarily thinking the same thing, but then I came up with a twist.

What if we got four or five quality digital cameras (like a Canon Rebel XT or Nikon D50)? We would hand them out before hand (and probably have to give brief lessons) and have a few people use them to take photos during the wedding and at the reception. I imagine that the quality of the photos would be no worse than a disposable camera, and hopefully they would be quite a bit better. The twist is, at the end of the evening we would raffle them off (all but one, I want one for myself) for $25 a ticket.

Five Rebel XT cameras or seven Nikon D50 cameras would cost about the same as hiring the professional photographers that we've been interviewing. With about 150 guests, if everyone buys a ticket at $25 each, all of the cameras are basically paid for (and I get one for free!). If only 4 people buy tickets, then I'm no worse off (monetarily) than if I had hired a professional photographer. Any other number of tickets and I'm ahead (fewer and I e-bay the extra cameras, and more and I have at least a little cash to offset the expense).

Seems like a reasonable, if not ecstatically cool, plan to me. It has basically no downside (since you can often get really lousy pictures even with a professional photographer). And it has the upside that four to six guests would be very happy at the end of the night. Sara doesn't like the idea of selling tickets at our wedding, and I can understand that, but I still think it's great idea. I'll probably be soliciting opinions on this, so don't be surprised if I bring it up in conversation. :-)