Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Cooking some more

Last night I had class one of two of the "Cooking for Singles" class. It was billed as a class to teach you how to prepare simple dishes for one with the stuff on hand, and to mingle while you learn.

I wasn't expecting too much mingling, and that was good because of the four others there, no one was in my age range, height/weight proportion, or preferred gender.

What I was disappointed about was the food. It was designed more along the lines of how to impress a date. Certainly not the day to day cooking ideas that I was hoping would be useful.

My biggest issue with cooking is leftovers and monotony. I hate leftovers, and they pretty much go hand and hand with monotony. But what I hate more is throwing away perfectly good food, and that seems to happen quite a bit when I try to cook for myself. I've nicknamed the refrigerator's crisper the "rotter" since it's more like an oubliette that I put perfectly good vegetables into to be forgotten and die.

It's not that the food I make is bad, it's just that I can't seem to find bachelor packs of food. Everything seems to be family packs, and that's just way too much food. I never know what I want early enough in the day to defrost stuff before I go to work, and I'm usually too disinterested to wait for it to defrost in the evening. And as much as they'd like you to believe otherwise, Hungryman Dinners just aren't the same as a home cooked meal. I frequently find it easier to just go hungry, and that seems just a little too sad. Need to work on that.


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